Architectural Committee

The Architectural Committee meets once a month to review homeowners plans for new construction, exterior remodels and landscaping proposals. The Committee is composed of the Board of Directors (5 members) and a quorum (3 members) must be available to review your plans. Where required after initial review, by the committee, your plans will be forwarded to our HOA architect for his review and to ensure compliance to the CC & R’s. Please read the CC & R’s prior to presentation and familiarize yourself with the Covenants and Restrictions.

New Construction: All new construction on vacant lots must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Committee for compliance to the CC & R’s before a building permit will be issued by the City. Further, the HOA architect will also review the plans for compliance to both CC & R’s and City ordinances. Review fees and scheduling your plan proposal meeting with the committee must be arranged through the Secretary of the HOA. (see Contact category) Please allow 45 days for your review prior to approval. This allows for homeowner presentation to committee, committee review, any changes, HOA architect review and final meeting to determine where construction operations will be placed (i.e. dumpster etc.) Please review CC & R’s prior to your proposal meeting and contact the Secretary of the HOA for the list of requirements for presentation.

CC & R’s. 3.2–Approval by Committee Required: No Improvements of any kind, including without limitations the construction of any dwelling, garage, out-building, paring area, driveway, tennis court, walkway, or other hard surfaced area in excess of 100 square feet, swimming pools, outdoor hot tubs or spas, fences, walls, curbs, poles, trampolines, satellite dishes or antenna, solar panels, or any other permanent structure may be constructed, erected, or installed in the subdivision without the prior consent of the Architectural Committee. No excavation, grading, filling, draining, landscaping, or installation or removal of existing vegetation shall be made without the advance written consent of the Architectural Committee.

Exterior Remodeling: Under the CC & R’s any material or construction changes to the exterior of your home which alters the previously approved facade or landscape must be approved by the Architectural Committee. (For example, exterior paint colors, roof, windows, additions, patios, porch railings, landscaping features such as outdoor fireplaces, waterfalls, childrens’ play yards, fencing etc.) must be presented with proposed plans, materials, color selection (must be earth tone) for approval. Permits from the City will not be issued without prior approval from the HOA. A meeting with the committee for the proposal must be arranged through the HOA secretary (see Contact category). See Improvement Clause, pg. 7 CC & R’s. Please allow 30 days prior to the start of your remodel for the approval process. ( Approval is not required if your are doing general maintenance work and not changing any of the exterior colors. For example, your log porch railing needs repair but the materials you will be using are the same as what is existing (log)…exterior paint color (you need to re-paint house but you are keeping the existing color but if you decided you wanted to change the color of the house, you would need approval from the committee. You have had several trees die from winter kill and you are just replacing them with the same species of tree.) The committee does appreciate being informed when any major maintenance project is undertaken with a homeowner as it helps with neighbor queries etc. or if a homeowner is in doubt whether their project falls within the category of maintenance or remodel.

Landscaping: Under the CC & R’s any change to existing landscaping must have a landscape plan and be approved by the committee and permitting by the City. See 3.2 above… General maintenance such as tree and bush trimming, replacing cracked concrete, re-sealing asphalt driveways, replanting existing flower beds etc. falls under general maintenance and doesn’t require committee approval. However, if it is an extensive maintenance such as asphalt driveway sealing, please inform the committee as it may affect your neighbors and they should be notified as to the duration. Any questions regarding what constitutes maintenance and change in landscaping, please call the committee for verification.